Warranty and Repair
General information about the repair of products manufactured by PLANAR.
We strongly recommend to contact the PLANAR LLC service center if you encounter any problems related to the operation of our products.
In order to avoid misunderstandings, we kindly ask you to read the Operating Manual before using our equipment, the terms of warranty obligations, check the correctness of filling out the warranty card. The warranty card is valid only if it is correctly and clearly indicated: the model, the serial number of the product, the date of sale, clear seals of the seller, the signature of the buyer. The model and serial number of the product must correspond to those specified in the warranty card. After the expiration of the warranty period, PLANAR can repair the product on a paid basis.
PLANAR сompany's corporate guarantee.
The manufacturer guarantees free repair of the product and replacement of its components during the warranty period of operation, if during this period a factory defect is detected as a result of which the product will fail or its characteristics will be below the norms established by the technical conditions.
The manufacturer guarantees that the parameters of the product comply with the requirements of technical specifications provided that the consumer complies with the rules of storage, transportation, installation and operation set out in the operating manual or in the product passport. The warranty covers completed work and replaced spare parts. The company's warranty on the company's products ranges from 1 year to 3 years from the date of issue to the customer, depending on the product.
If a malfunction occurs during the warranty period (a breakdown that was previously eliminated and the service center provided a guarantee), the maximum warranty repair period is 45 days, if the repair requires the installation of additional components, then the repair period is extended for the time of the components delivery.
When handing over the device for warranty service, diagnostics is performed in each case, after inspection, the service center engineer confirms that the case is under warranty or cancels the warranty.
Warranty Limitations.
In case of violation of the operating conditions of the product, as well as in the case when the data specified in the warranty card is changed, erased or rewritten, the warranty card is considered invalid.
In this case, we recommend that you contact the seller to obtain a new warranty card that meets the above conditions. If the date of sale cannot be established, in accordance with the legislation on consumer protection, the warranty period is calculated from the date of manufacture of the product.